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  1. ;          State Personal Income and its Composition, 69.1 - 92.4
  2. ;                          (millions of dollars)
  3. ;
  4. ;                  Source: BEA, U.S. Department of Commerce
  5. ;                          Frequency: Quarterly 
  6. ;             Seasonality: seasonally adjusted at annual rates
  7. ;
  8. ;     
  9. ;NOTE: 1. This data bank contains state personal income by major 
  10. ;         sources (or Table SQ5) only.
  11. ;      2. Detail may not add to totals because of rounding.
  12. ;      3. 1969-74 based on 1967 sic.  1975-90 based on 1972 sic.
  13. ;      4. Personal contributions for social insurance are NOT included  
  14. ;         in personal income.
  15. ;      5. U.S. adjustment for residence consists of adjustments for 
  16. ;         border workers: income of U.S. residents commuting outside U.S.
  17. ;         borders to work less income of foreign residents commuting 
  18. ;         inside U.S. borders to work plus certain Caribbean seasonal 
  19. ;         workers. 
  20. ;      6. Far west region totals do not include Alaska and Hawaii.
  21. ;
  22. ;
  23. ;United states
  24. ;
  25. @
  26. usy         ;total personal income                                                           
  27. usynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  28. usyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  29. usepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  30. uscsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  31. usradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  32. usenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  33. usdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  34. ustpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  35. ussuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  36. ustrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  37. usws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  38. usoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  39. usppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  40. usppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  41. usppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  42. usef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  43. usen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  44. usenp       ; private                                                                        
  45. useasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  46. usemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  47. usecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  48. usemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  49. usendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  50. usedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  51. usetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  52. usewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  53. usert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  54. usefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  55. useserv     ;  services                                                                      
  56. useg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  57. usegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  58. usemil      ;  military                                                                      
  59. usegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  60. ngy         ;total personal income                                                           
  61. ngynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  62. ngyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  63. ngepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  64. ngcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  65. ngradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  66. ngenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  67. ngdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  68. ngtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  69. ngsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  70. ngtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  71. ngws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  72. ngoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  73. ngppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  74. ngppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  75. ngppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  76. ngef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  77. ngen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  78. ngenp       ; private                                                                        
  79. ngeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  80. ngemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  81. ngecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  82. ngemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  83. ngendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  84. ngedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  85. ngetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  86. ngewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  87. ngert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  88. ngefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  89. ngeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  90. ngeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  91. ngegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  92. ngemil      ;  military                                                                      
  93. ngegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  94. ;
  95. ;Connecticut
  96. ;
  97. @
  98. cty         ;total personal income                                                           
  99. ctynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  100. ctyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  101. ctepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  102. ctcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  103. ctradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  104. ctenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  105. ctdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  106. cttpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  107. ctsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  108. cttrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  109. ctws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  110. ctoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  111. ctppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  112. ctppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  113. ctppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  114. ctef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  115. cten        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  116. ctenp       ; private                                                                        
  117. cteasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  118. ctemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  119. ctecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  120. ctemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  121. ctendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  122. ctedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  123. ctetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  124. ctewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  125. ctert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  126. ctefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  127. cteserv     ;  services                                                                      
  128. cteg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  129. ctegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  130. ctemil      ;  military                                                                      
  131. ctegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  132. ;
  133. ;Maine
  134. ;
  135. @
  136. mey         ;total personal income                                                           
  137. meynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  138. meyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  139. meepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  140. mecsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  141. meradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  142. meenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  143. medir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  144. metpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  145. mesuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  146. metrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  147. mews        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  148. meoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  149. meppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  150. meppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  151. meppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  152. meef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  153. meen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  154. meenp       ; private                                                                        
  155. meeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  156. meemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  157. meecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  158. meemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  159. meendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  160. meedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  161. meetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  162. meewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  163. meert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  164. meefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  165. meeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  166. meeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  167. meegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  168. meemil      ;  military                                                                      
  169. meegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  170. ;
  171. ;Massachusetts
  172. ;
  173. @
  174. may         ;total personal income                                                           
  175. maynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  176. mayf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  177. maepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  178. macsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  179. maradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  180. maenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  181. madir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  182. matpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  183. masuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  184. matrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  185. maws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  186. maoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  187. mappy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  188. mappyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  189. mappyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  190. maef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  191. maen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  192. maenp       ; private                                                                        
  193. maeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  194. maemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  195. maecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  196. maemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  197. maendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  198. maedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  199. maetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  200. maewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  201. maert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  202. maefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  203. maeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  204. maeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  205. maegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  206. maemil      ;  military                                                                      
  207. maegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  208. ;
  209. ;New hampshire
  210. ;
  211. @
  212. nhy         ;total personal income                                                           
  213. nhynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  214. nhyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  215. nhepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  216. nhcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  217. nhradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  218. nhenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  219. nhdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  220. nhtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  221. nhsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  222. nhtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  223. nhws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  224. nholy       ;other labor income                                                              
  225. nhppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  226. nhppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  227. nhppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  228. nhef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  229. nhen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  230. nhenp       ; private                                                                        
  231. nheasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  232. nhemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  233. nhecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  234. nhemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  235. nhendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  236. nhedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  237. nhetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  238. nhewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  239. nhert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  240. nhefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  241. nheserv     ;  services                                                                      
  242. nheg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  243. nhegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  244. nhemil      ;  military                                                                      
  245. nhegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  246. ;
  247. ;Rhode island
  248. ;
  249. @
  250. riy         ;total personal income                                                           
  251. riynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  252. riyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  253. riepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  254. ricsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  255. riradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  256. rienpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  257. ridir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  258. ritpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  259. risuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  260. ritrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  261. riws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  262. rioly       ;other labor income                                                              
  263. rippy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  264. rippyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  265. rippyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  266. rief        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  267. rien        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  268. rienp       ; private                                                                        
  269. rieasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  270. riemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  271. riecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  272. riemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  273. riendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  274. riedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  275. rietpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  276. riewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  277. riert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  278. riefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  279. rieserv     ;  services                                                                      
  280. rieg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  281. riegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  282. riemil      ;  military                                                                      
  283. riegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  284. ;
  285. ;Vermont
  286. ;
  287. @
  288. vty         ;total personal income                                                           
  289. vtynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  290. vtyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  291. vtepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  292. vtcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  293. vtradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  294. vtenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  295. vtdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  296. vttpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  297. vtsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  298. vttrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  299. vtws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  300. vtoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  301. vtppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  302. vtppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  303. vtppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  304. vtef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  305. vten        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  306. vtenp       ; private                                                                        
  307. vteasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  308. vtemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  309. vtecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  310. vtemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  311. vtendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  312. vtedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  313. vtetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  314. vtewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  315. vtert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  316. vtefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  317. vteserv     ;  services                                                                      
  318. vteg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  319. vtegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  320. vtemil      ;  military                                                                      
  321. vtegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  322. ;
  323. ;Mideast
  324. ;
  325. @
  326. esy         ;total personal income                                                           
  327. esynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  328. esyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  329. esepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  330. escsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  331. esradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  332. esenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  333. esdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  334. estpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  335. essuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  336. estrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  337. esws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  338. esoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  339. esppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  340. esppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  341. esppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  342. esef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  343. esen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  344. esenp       ; private                                                                        
  345. eseasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  346. esemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  347. esecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  348. esemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  349. esendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  350. esedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  351. esetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  352. esewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  353. esert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  354. esefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  355. eseserv     ;  services                                                                      
  356. eseg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  357. esegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  358. esemil      ;  military                                                                      
  359. esegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  360. ;
  361. ;Delaware
  362. ;
  363. @
  364. dey         ;total personal income                                                           
  365. deynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  366. deyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  367. deepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  368. decsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  369. deradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  370. deenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  371. dedir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  372. detpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  373. desuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  374. detrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  375. dews        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  376. deoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  377. deppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  378. deppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  379. deppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  380. deef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  381. deen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  382. deenp       ; private                                                                        
  383. deeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  384. deemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  385. deecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  386. deemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  387. deendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  388. deedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  389. deetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  390. deewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  391. deert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  392. deefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  393. deeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  394. deeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  395. deegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  396. deemil      ;  military                                                                      
  397. deegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  398. ;
  399. ;District of columbia
  400. ;
  401. @
  402. dcy         ;total personal income                                                           
  403. dcynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  404. dcyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  405. dcepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  406. dccsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  407. dcradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  408. dcenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  409. dcdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  410. dctpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  411. dcsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  412. dctrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  413. dcws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  414. dcoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  415. dcppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  416. dcppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  417. dcppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  418. dcef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  419. dcen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  420. dcenp       ; private                                                                        
  421. dceasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  422. dcemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  423. dcecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  424. dcemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  425. dcendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  426. dcedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  427. dcetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  428. dcewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  429. dcert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  430. dcefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  431. dceserv     ;  services                                                                      
  432. dceg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  433. dcegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  434. dcemil      ;  military                                                                      
  435. dcegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  436. ;
  437. ;Maryland
  438. ;
  439. @
  440. mdy         ;total personal income                                                           
  441. mdynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  442. mdyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  443. mdepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  444. mdcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  445. mdradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  446. mdenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  447. mddir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  448. mdtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  449. mdsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  450. mdtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  451. mdws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  452. mdoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  453. mdppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  454. mdppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  455. mdppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  456. mdef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  457. mden        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  458. mdenp       ; private                                                                        
  459. mdeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  460. mdemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  461. mdecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  462. mdemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  463. mdendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  464. mdedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  465. mdetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  466. mdewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  467. mdert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  468. mdefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  469. mdeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  470. mdeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  471. mdegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  472. mdemil      ;  military                                                                      
  473. mdegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  474. ;
  475. ;New jersey
  476. ;
  477. @
  478. njy         ;total personal income                                                           
  479. njynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  480. njyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  481. njepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  482. njcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  483. njradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  484. njenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  485. njdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  486. njtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  487. njsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  488. njtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  489. njws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  490. njoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  491. njppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  492. njppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  493. njppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  494. njef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  495. njen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  496. njenp       ; private                                                                        
  497. njeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  498. njemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  499. njecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  500. njemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  501. njendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  502. njedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  503. njetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  504. njewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  505. njert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  506. njefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  507. njeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  508. njeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  509. njegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  510. njemil      ;  military                                                                      
  511. njegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  512. ;
  513. ;New york
  514. ;
  515. @
  516. nyy         ;total personal income                                                           
  517. nyynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  518. nyyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  519. nyepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  520. nycsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  521. nyradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  522. nyenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  523. nydir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  524. nytpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  525. nysuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  526. nytrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  527. nyws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  528. nyoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  529. nyppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  530. nyppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  531. nyppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  532. nyef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  533. nyen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  534. nyenp       ; private                                                                        
  535. nyeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  536. nyemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  537. nyecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  538. nyemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  539. nyendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  540. nyedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  541. nyetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  542. nyewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  543. nyert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  544. nyefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  545. nyeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  546. nyeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  547. nyegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  548. nyemil      ;  military                                                                      
  549. nyegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  550. ;
  551. ;Pennsylvania
  552. ;
  553. @
  554. pay         ;total personal income                                                           
  555. paynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  556. payf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  557. paepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  558. pacsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  559. paradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  560. paenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  561. padir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  562. patpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  563. pasuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  564. patrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  565. paws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  566. paoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  567. pappy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  568. pappyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  569. pappyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  570. paef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  571. paen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  572. paenp       ; private                                                                        
  573. paeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  574. paemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  575. paecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  576. paemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  577. paendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  578. paedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  579. paetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  580. paewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  581. paert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  582. paefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  583. paeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  584. paeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  585. paegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  586. paemil      ;  military                                                                      
  587. paegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  588. ;
  589. ;Great lakes
  590. ;
  591. @
  592. gly         ;total personal income                                                           
  593. glynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  594. glyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  595. glepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  596. glcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  597. glradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  598. glenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  599. gldir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  600. gltpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  601. glsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  602. gltrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  603. glws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  604. gloly       ;other labor income                                                              
  605. glppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  606. glppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  607. glppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  608. glef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  609. glen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  610. glenp       ; private                                                                        
  611. gleasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  612. glemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  613. glecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  614. glemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  615. glendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  616. gledur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  617. gletpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  618. glewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  619. glert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  620. glefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  621. gleserv     ;  services                                                                      
  622. gleg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  623. glegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  624. glemil      ;  military                                                                      
  625. glegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  626. ;
  627. ;Illinois
  628. ;
  629. @
  630. ily         ;total personal income                                                           
  631. ilynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  632. ilyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  633. ilepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  634. ilcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  635. ilradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  636. ilenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  637. ildir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  638. iltpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  639. ilsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  640. iltrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  641. ilws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  642. iloly       ;other labor income                                                              
  643. ilppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  644. ilppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  645. ilppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  646. ilef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  647. ilen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  648. ilenp       ; private                                                                        
  649. ileasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  650. ilemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  651. ilecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  652. ilemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  653. ilendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  654. iledur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  655. iletpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  656. ilewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  657. ilert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  658. ilefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  659. ileserv     ;  services                                                                      
  660. ileg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  661. ilegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  662. ilemil      ;  military                                                                      
  663. ilegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  664. ;
  665. ;Indiana
  666. ;
  667. @
  668. iny         ;total personal income                                                           
  669. inynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  670. inyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  671. inepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  672. incsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  673. inradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  674. inenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  675. indir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  676. intpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  677. insuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  678. intrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  679. inws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  680. inoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  681. inppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  682. inppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  683. inppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  684. inef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  685. inen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  686. inenp       ; private                                                                        
  687. ineasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  688. inemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  689. inecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  690. inemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  691. inendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  692. inedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  693. inetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  694. inewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  695. inert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  696. inefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  697. ineserv     ;  services                                                                      
  698. ineg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  699. inegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  700. inemil      ;  military                                                                      
  701. inegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  702. ;
  703. ;Michigan
  704. ;
  705. @
  706. miy         ;total personal income                                                           
  707. miynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  708. miyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  709. miepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  710. micsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  711. miradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  712. mienpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  713. midir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  714. mitpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  715. misuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  716. mitrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  717. miws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  718. mioly       ;other labor income                                                              
  719. mippy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  720. mippyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  721. mippyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  722. mief        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  723. mien        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  724. mienp       ; private                                                                        
  725. mieasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  726. miemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  727. miecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  728. miemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  729. miendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  730. miedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  731. mietpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  732. miewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  733. miert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  734. miefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  735. mieserv     ;  services                                                                      
  736. mieg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  737. miegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  738. miemil      ;  military                                                                      
  739. miegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  740. ;
  741. ;Ohio
  742. ;
  743. @
  744. ohy         ;total personal income                                                           
  745. ohynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  746. ohyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  747. ohepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  748. ohcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  749. ohradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  750. ohenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  751. ohdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  752. ohtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  753. ohsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  754. ohtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  755. ohws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  756. oholy       ;other labor income                                                              
  757. ohppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  758. ohppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  759. ohppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  760. ohef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  761. ohen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  762. ohenp       ; private                                                                        
  763. oheasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  764. ohemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  765. ohecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  766. ohemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  767. ohendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  768. ohedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  769. ohetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  770. ohewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  771. ohert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  772. ohefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  773. oheserv     ;  services                                                                      
  774. oheg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  775. ohegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  776. ohemil      ;  military                                                                      
  777. ohegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  778. ;
  779. ;Wisconson
  780. ;
  781. @
  782. wiy         ;total personal income                                                           
  783. wiynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  784. wiyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  785. wiepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  786. wicsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  787. wiradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  788. wienpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  789. widir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  790. witpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  791. wisuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  792. witrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  793. wiws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  794. wioly       ;other labor income                                                              
  795. wippy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  796. wippyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  797. wippyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  798. wief        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  799. wien        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  800. wienp       ; private                                                                        
  801. wieasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  802. wiemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  803. wiecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  804. wiemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  805. wiendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  806. wiedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  807. wietpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  808. wiewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  809. wiert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  810. wiefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  811. wieserv     ;  services                                                                      
  812. wieg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  813. wiegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  814. wiemil      ;  military                                                                      
  815. wiegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  816. ;
  817. ;Plains
  818. ;
  819. @
  820. ply         ;total personal income                                                           
  821. plynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  822. plyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  823. plepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  824. plcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  825. plradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  826. plenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  827. pldir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  828. pltpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  829. plsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  830. pltrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  831. plws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  832. ploly       ;other labor income                                                              
  833. plppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  834. plppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  835. plppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  836. plef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  837. plen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  838. plenp       ; private                                                                        
  839. pleasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  840. plemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  841. plecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  842. plemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  843. plendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  844. pledur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  845. pletpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  846. plewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  847. plert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  848. plefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  849. pleserv     ;  services                                                                      
  850. pleg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  851. plegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  852. plemil      ;  military                                                                      
  853. plegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  854. ;
  855. ;Iowa
  856. ;
  857. @
  858. iay         ;total personal income                                                           
  859. iaynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  860. iayf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  861. iaepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  862. iacsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  863. iaradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  864. iaenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  865. iadir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  866. iatpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  867. iasuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  868. iatrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  869. iaws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  870. iaoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  871. iappy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  872. iappyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  873. iappyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  874. iaef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  875. iaen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  876. iaenp       ; private                                                                        
  877. iaeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  878. iaemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  879. iaecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  880. iaemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  881. iaendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  882. iaedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  883. iaetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  884. iaewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  885. iaert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  886. iaefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  887. iaeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  888. iaeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  889. iaegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  890. iaemil      ;  military                                                                      
  891. iaegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  892. ;
  893. ;Kansas
  894. ;
  895. @
  896. ksy         ;total personal income                                                           
  897. ksynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  898. ksyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  899. ksepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  900. kscsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  901. ksradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  902. ksenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  903. ksdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  904. kstpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  905. kssuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  906. kstrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  907. ksws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  908. ksoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  909. ksppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  910. ksppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  911. ksppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  912. ksef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  913. ksen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  914. ksenp       ; private                                                                        
  915. kseasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  916. ksemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  917. ksecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  918. ksemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  919. ksendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  920. ksedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  921. ksetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  922. ksewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  923. ksert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  924. ksefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  925. kseserv     ;  services                                                                      
  926. kseg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  927. ksegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  928. ksemil      ;  military                                                                      
  929. ksegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  930. ;
  931. ;Minnesota
  932. ;
  933. @
  934. mny         ;total personal income                                                           
  935. mnynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  936. mnyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  937. mnepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  938. mncsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  939. mnradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  940. mnenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  941. mndir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  942. mntpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  943. mnsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  944. mntrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  945. mnws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  946. mnoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  947. mnppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  948. mnppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  949. mnppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  950. mnef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  951. mnen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  952. mnenp       ; private                                                                        
  953. mneasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  954. mnemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  955. mnecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  956. mnemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  957. mnendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  958. mnedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  959. mnetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  960. mnewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  961. mnert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  962. mnefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  963. mneserv     ;  services                                                                      
  964. mneg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  965. mnegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  966. mnemil      ;  military                                                                      
  967. mnegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  968. ;
  969. ;Missouri
  970. ;
  971. @
  972. moy         ;total personal income                                                           
  973. moynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  974. moyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  975. moepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  976. mocsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  977. moradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  978. moenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  979. modir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  980. motpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  981. mosuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  982. motrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  983. mows        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  984. mooly       ;other labor income                                                              
  985. moppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  986. moppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  987. moppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  988. moef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  989. moen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  990. moenp       ; private                                                                        
  991. moeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  992. moemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  993. moecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  994. moemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  995. moendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  996. moedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  997. moetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  998. moewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  999. moert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1000. moefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1001. moeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1002. moeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1003. moegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1004. moemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1005. moegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1006. ;
  1007. ;Nebraska
  1008. ;
  1009. @
  1010. ney         ;total personal income                                                           
  1011. neynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1012. neyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1013. neepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1014. necsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1015. neradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1016. neenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1017. nedir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1018. netpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1019. nesuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1020. netrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1021. news        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1022. neoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1023. neppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1024. neppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1025. neppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1026. neef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1027. neen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1028. neenp       ; private                                                                        
  1029. neeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1030. neemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1031. neecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1032. neemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1033. neendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1034. needur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1035. neetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1036. neewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1037. neert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1038. neefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1039. neeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1040. neeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1041. neegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1042. neemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1043. neegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1044. ;
  1045. ;North dakota
  1046. ;
  1047. @
  1048. ndy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1049. ndynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1050. ndyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1051. ndepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1052. ndcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1053. ndradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1054. ndenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1055. nddir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1056. ndtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1057. ndsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1058. ndtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1059. ndws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1060. ndoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1061. ndppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1062. ndppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1063. ndppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1064. ndef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1065. nden        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1066. ndenp       ; private                                                                        
  1067. ndeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1068. ndemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1069. ndecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1070. ndemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1071. ndendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1072. ndedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1073. ndetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1074. ndewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1075. ndert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1076. ndefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1077. ndeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1078. ndeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1079. ndegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1080. ndemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1081. ndegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1082. ;
  1083. ;South dakota
  1084. ;
  1085. @
  1086. sdy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1087. sdynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1088. sdyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1089. sdepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1090. sdcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1091. sdradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1092. sdenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1093. sddir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1094. sdtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1095. sdsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1096. sdtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1097. sdws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1098. sdoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1099. sdppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1100. sdppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1101. sdppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1102. sdef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1103. sden        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1104. sdenp       ; private                                                                        
  1105. sdeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1106. sdemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1107. sdecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1108. sdemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1109. sdendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1110. sdedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1111. sdetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1112. sdewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1113. sdert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1114. sdefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1115. sdeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1116. sdeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1117. sdegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1118. sdemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1119. sdegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1120. ;
  1121. ;Southeast
  1122. ;
  1123. @
  1124. sey         ;total personal income                                                           
  1125. seynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1126. seyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1127. seepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1128. secsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1129. seradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1130. seenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1131. sedir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1132. setpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1133. sesuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1134. setrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1135. sews        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1136. seoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1137. seppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1138. seppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1139. seppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1140. seef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1141. seen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1142. seenp       ; private                                                                        
  1143. seeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1144. seemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1145. seecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1146. seemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1147. seendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1148. seedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1149. seetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1150. seewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1151. seert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1152. seefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1153. seeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1154. seeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1155. seegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1156. seemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1157. seegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1158. ;
  1159. ;Albanma
  1160. ;
  1161. @
  1162. aly         ;total personal income                                                           
  1163. alynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1164. alyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1165. alepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1166. alcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1167. alradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1168. alenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1169. aldir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1170. altpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1171. alsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1172. altrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1173. alws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1174. aloly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1175. alppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1176. alppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1177. alppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1178. alef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1179. alen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1180. alenp       ; private                                                                        
  1181. aleasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1182. alemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1183. alecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1184. alemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1185. alendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1186. aledur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1187. aletpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1188. alewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1189. alert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1190. alefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1191. aleserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1192. aleg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1193. alegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1194. alemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1195. alegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1196. ;
  1197. ;Arkansas
  1198. ;
  1199. @
  1200. ary         ;total personal income                                                           
  1201. arynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1202. aryf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1203. arepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1204. arcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1205. arradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1206. arenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1207. ardir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1208. artpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1209. arsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1210. artrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1211. arws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1212. aroly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1213. arppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1214. arppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1215. arppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1216. aref        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1217. aren        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1218. arenp       ; private                                                                        
  1219. areasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1220. aremin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1221. arecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1222. aremfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1223. arendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1224. aredur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1225. aretpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1226. arewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1227. arert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1228. arefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1229. areserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1230. areg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1231. aregfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1232. aremil      ;  military                                                                      
  1233. aregsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1234. ;
  1235. ;Florida
  1236. ;
  1237. @
  1238. fly         ;total personal income                                                           
  1239. flynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1240. flyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1241. flepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1242. flcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1243. flradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1244. flenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1245. fldir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1246. fltpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1247. flsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1248. fltrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1249. flws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1250. floly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1251. flppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1252. flppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1253. flppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1254. flef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1255. flen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1256. flenp       ; private                                                                        
  1257. fleasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1258. flemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1259. flecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1260. flemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1261. flendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1262. fledur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1263. fletpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1264. flewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1265. flert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1266. flefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1267. fleserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1268. fleg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1269. flegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1270. flemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1271. flegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1272. ;
  1273. ;Georgia
  1274. ;
  1275. @
  1276. gay         ;total personal income                                                           
  1277. gaynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1278. gayf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1279. gaepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1280. gacsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1281. garadj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1282. gaenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1283. gadir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1284. gatpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1285. gasuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1286. gatrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1287. gaws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1288. gaoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1289. gappy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1290. gappyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1291. gappyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1292. gaef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1293. gaen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1294. gaenp       ; private                                                                        
  1295. gaeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1296. gaemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1297. gaecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1298. gaemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1299. gaendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1300. gaedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1301. gaetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1302. gaewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1303. gaert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1304. gaefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1305. gaeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1306. gaeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1307. gaegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1308. gaemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1309. gaegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1310. ;
  1311. ;Kentucky
  1312. ;
  1313. @
  1314. kyy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1315. kyynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1316. kyyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1317. kyepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1318. kycsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1319. kyradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1320. kyenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1321. kydir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1322. kytpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1323. kysuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1324. kytrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1325. kyws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1326. kyoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1327. kyppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1328. kyppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1329. kyppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1330. kyef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1331. kyen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1332. kyenp       ; private                                                                        
  1333. kyeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1334. kyemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1335. kyecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1336. kyemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1337. kyendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1338. kyedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1339. kyetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1340. kyewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1341. kyert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1342. kyefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1343. kyeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1344. kyeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1345. kyegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1346. kyemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1347. kyegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1348. ;
  1349. ;Louisiana
  1350. ;
  1351. @
  1352. lay         ;total personal income                                                           
  1353. laynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1354. layf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1355. laepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1356. lacsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1357. laradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1358. laenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1359. ladir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1360. latpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1361. lasuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1362. latrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1363. laws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1364. laoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1365. lappy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1366. lappyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1367. lappyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1368. laef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1369. laen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1370. laenp       ; private                                                                        
  1371. laeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1372. laemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1373. laecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1374. laemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1375. laendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1376. laedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1377. laetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1378. laewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1379. laert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1380. laefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1381. laeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1382. laeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1383. laegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1384. laemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1385. laegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1386. ;
  1387. ;Mississippi
  1388. ;
  1389. @
  1390. msy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1391. msynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1392. msyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1393. msepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1394. mscsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1395. msradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1396. msenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1397. msdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1398. mstpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1399. mssuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1400. mstrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1401. msws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1402. msoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1403. msppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1404. msppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1405. msppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1406. msef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1407. msen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1408. msenp       ; private                                                                        
  1409. mseasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1410. msemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1411. msecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1412. msemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1413. msendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1414. msedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1415. msetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1416. msewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1417. msert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1418. msefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1419. mseserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1420. mseg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1421. msegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1422. msemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1423. msegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1424. ;
  1425. ;North carolina
  1426. ;
  1427. @
  1428. ncy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1429. ncynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1430. ncyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1431. ncepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1432. nccsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1433. ncradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1434. ncenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1435. ncdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1436. nctpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1437. ncsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1438. nctrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1439. ncws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1440. ncoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1441. ncppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1442. ncppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1443. ncppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1444. ncef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1445. ncen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1446. ncenp       ; private                                                                        
  1447. nceasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1448. ncemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1449. ncecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1450. ncemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1451. ncendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1452. ncedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1453. ncetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1454. ncewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1455. ncert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1456. ncefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1457. nceserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1458. nceg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1459. ncegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1460. ncemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1461. ncegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1462. ;
  1463. ;South carolina
  1464. ;
  1465. @
  1466. scy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1467. scynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1468. scyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1469. scepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1470. sccsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1471. scradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1472. scenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1473. scdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1474. sctpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1475. scsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1476. sctrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1477. scws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1478. scoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1479. scppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1480. scppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1481. scppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1482. scef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1483. scen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1484. scenp       ; private                                                                        
  1485. sceasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1486. scemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1487. scecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1488. scemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1489. scendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1490. scedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1491. scetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1492. scewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1493. scert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1494. scefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1495. sceserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1496. sceg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1497. scegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1498. scemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1499. scegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1500. ;
  1501. ;Tennessee
  1502. ;
  1503. @
  1504. tny         ;total personal income                                                           
  1505. tnynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1506. tnyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1507. tnepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1508. tncsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1509. tnradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1510. tnenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1511. tndir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1512. tntpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1513. tnsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1514. tntrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1515. tnws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1516. tnoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1517. tnppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1518. tnppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1519. tnppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1520. tnef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1521. tnen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1522. tnenp       ; private                                                                        
  1523. tneasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1524. tnemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1525. tnecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1526. tnemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1527. tnendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1528. tnedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1529. tnetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1530. tnewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1531. tnert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1532. tnefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1533. tneserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1534. tneg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1535. tnegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1536. tnemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1537. tnegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1538. ;
  1539. ;Virginia
  1540. ;
  1541. @
  1542. vay         ;total personal income                                                           
  1543. vaynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1544. vayf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1545. vaepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1546. vacsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1547. varadj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1548. vaenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1549. vadir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1550. vatpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1551. vasuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1552. vatrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1553. vaws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1554. vaoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1555. vappy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1556. vappyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1557. vappyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1558. vaef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1559. vaen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1560. vaenp       ; private                                                                        
  1561. vaeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1562. vaemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1563. vaecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1564. vaemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1565. vaendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1566. vaedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1567. vaetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1568. vaewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1569. vaert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1570. vaefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1571. vaeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1572. vaeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1573. vaegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1574. vaemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1575. vaegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1576. ;
  1577. ;West virginia
  1578. ;
  1579. @
  1580. wvy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1581. wvynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1582. wvyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1583. wvepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1584. wvcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1585. wvradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1586. wvenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1587. wvdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1588. wvtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1589. wvsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1590. wvtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1591. wvws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1592. wvoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1593. wvppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1594. wvppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1595. wvppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1596. wvef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1597. wven        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1598. wvenp       ; private                                                                        
  1599. wveasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1600. wvemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1601. wvecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1602. wvemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1603. wvendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1604. wvedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1605. wvetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1606. wvewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1607. wvert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1608. wvefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1609. wveserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1610. wveg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1611. wvegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1612. wvemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1613. wvegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1614. ;
  1615. ;Southwest
  1616. ;
  1617. @
  1618. swy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1619. swynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1620. swyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1621. swepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1622. swcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1623. swradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1624. swenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1625. swdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1626. swtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1627. swsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1628. swtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1629. swws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1630. swoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1631. swppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1632. swppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1633. swppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1634. swef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1635. swen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1636. swenp       ; private                                                                        
  1637. sweasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1638. swemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1639. swecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1640. swemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1641. swendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1642. swedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1643. swetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1644. swewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1645. swert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1646. swefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1647. sweserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1648. sweg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1649. swegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1650. swemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1651. swegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1652. ;
  1653. ;Arizona
  1654. ;
  1655. @
  1656. azy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1657. azynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1658. azyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1659. azepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1660. azcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1661. azradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1662. azenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1663. azdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1664. aztpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1665. azsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1666. aztrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1667. azws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1668. azoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1669. azppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1670. azppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1671. azppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1672. azef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1673. azen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1674. azenp       ; private                                                                        
  1675. azeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1676. azemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1677. azecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1678. azemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1679. azendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1680. azedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1681. azetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1682. azewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1683. azert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1684. azefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1685. azeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1686. azeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1687. azegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1688. azemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1689. azegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1690. ;
  1691. ;New mexico
  1692. ;
  1693. @
  1694. nmy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1695. nmynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1696. nmyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1697. nmepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1698. nmcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1699. nmradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1700. nmenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1701. nmdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1702. nmtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1703. nmsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1704. nmtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1705. nmws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1706. nmoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1707. nmppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1708. nmppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1709. nmppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1710. nmef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1711. nmen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1712. nmenp       ; private                                                                        
  1713. nmeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1714. nmemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1715. nmecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1716. nmemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1717. nmendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1718. nmedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1719. nmetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1720. nmewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1721. nmert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1722. nmefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1723. nmeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1724. nmeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1725. nmegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1726. nmemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1727. nmegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1728. ;
  1729. ;Oklahoma
  1730. ;
  1731. @
  1732. oky         ;total personal income                                                           
  1733. okynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1734. okyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1735. okepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1736. okcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1737. okradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1738. okenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1739. okdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1740. oktpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1741. oksuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1742. oktrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1743. okws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1744. okoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1745. okppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1746. okppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1747. okppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1748. okef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1749. oken        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1750. okenp       ; private                                                                        
  1751. okeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1752. okemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1753. okecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1754. okemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1755. okendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1756. okedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1757. oketpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1758. okewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1759. okert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1760. okefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1761. okeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1762. okeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1763. okegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1764. okemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1765. okegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1766. ;
  1767. ;Texas
  1768. ;
  1769. @
  1770. txy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1771. txynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1772. txyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1773. txepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1774. txcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1775. txradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1776. txenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1777. txdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1778. txtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1779. txsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1780. txtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1781. txws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1782. txoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1783. txppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1784. txppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1785. txppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1786. txef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1787. txen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1788. txenp       ; private                                                                        
  1789. txeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1790. txemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1791. txecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1792. txemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1793. txendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1794. txedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1795. txetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1796. txewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1797. txert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1798. txefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1799. txeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1800. txeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1801. txegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1802. txemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1803. txegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1804. ;
  1805. ;Rocky mountain
  1806. ;
  1807. @
  1808. rmy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1809. rmynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1810. rmyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1811. rmepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1812. rmcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1813. rmradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1814. rmenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1815. rmdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1816. rmtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1817. rmsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1818. rmtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1819. rmws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1820. rmoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1821. rmppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1822. rmppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1823. rmppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1824. rmef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1825. rmen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1826. rmenp       ; private                                                                        
  1827. rmeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1828. rmemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1829. rmecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1830. rmemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1831. rmendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1832. rmedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1833. rmetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1834. rmewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1835. rmert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1836. rmefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1837. rmeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1838. rmeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1839. rmegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1840. rmemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1841. rmegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1842. ;
  1843. ;Colorado
  1844. ;
  1845. @
  1846. coy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1847. coynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1848. coyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1849. coepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1850. cocsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1851. coradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1852. coenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1853. codir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1854. cotpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1855. cosuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1856. cotrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1857. cows        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1858. cooly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1859. coppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1860. coppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1861. coppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1862. coef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1863. coen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1864. coenp       ; private                                                                        
  1865. coeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1866. coemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1867. coecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1868. coemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1869. coendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1870. coedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1871. coetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1872. coewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1873. coert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1874. coefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1875. coeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1876. coeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1877. coegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1878. coemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1879. coegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1880. ;
  1881. ;Idaho
  1882. ;
  1883. @
  1884. idy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1885. idynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1886. idyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1887. idepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1888. idcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1889. idradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1890. idenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1891. iddir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1892. idtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1893. idsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1894. idtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1895. idws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1896. idoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1897. idppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1898. idppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1899. idppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1900. idef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1901. iden        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1902. idenp       ; private                                                                        
  1903. ideasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1904. idemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1905. idecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1906. idemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1907. idendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1908. idedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1909. idetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1910. idewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1911. idert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1912. idefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1913. ideserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1914. ideg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1915. idegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1916. idemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1917. idegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1918. ;
  1919. ;Montana
  1920. ;
  1921. @
  1922. mty         ;total personal income                                                           
  1923. mtynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1924. mtyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1925. mtepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1926. mtcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1927. mtradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1928. mtenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1929. mtdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1930. mttpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1931. mtsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1932. mttrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1933. mtws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1934. mtoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1935. mtppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1936. mtppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1937. mtppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1938. mtef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1939. mten        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1940. mtenp       ; private                                                                        
  1941. mteasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1942. mtemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1943. mtecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1944. mtemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1945. mtendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1946. mtedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1947. mtetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1948. mtewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1949. mtert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1950. mtefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1951. mteserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1952. mteg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1953. mtegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1954. mtemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1955. mtegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1956. ;
  1957. ;Utah
  1958. ;
  1959. @
  1960. uty         ;total personal income                                                           
  1961. utynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  1962. utyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  1963. utepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  1964. utcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  1965. utradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  1966. utenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  1967. utdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  1968. uttpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  1969. utsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  1970. uttrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  1971. utws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  1972. utoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  1973. utppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  1974. utppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  1975. utppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  1976. utef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  1977. uten        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  1978. utenp       ; private                                                                        
  1979. uteasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  1980. utemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  1981. utecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  1982. utemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  1983. utendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  1984. utedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  1985. utetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  1986. utewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  1987. utert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  1988. utefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  1989. uteserv     ;  services                                                                      
  1990. uteg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  1991. utegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  1992. utemil      ;  military                                                                      
  1993. utegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  1994. ;
  1995. ;Wyoming
  1996. ;
  1997. @
  1998. wyy         ;total personal income                                                           
  1999. wyynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  2000. wyyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  2001. wyepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  2002. wycsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  2003. wyradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  2004. wyenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  2005. wydir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  2006. wytpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  2007. wysuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  2008. wytrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  2009. wyws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  2010. wyoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  2011. wyppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  2012. wyppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  2013. wyppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  2014. wyef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  2015. wyen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  2016. wyenp       ; private                                                                        
  2017. wyeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  2018. wyemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  2019. wyecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  2020. wyemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  2021. wyendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  2022. wyedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  2023. wyetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  2024. wyewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  2025. wyert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  2026. wyefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  2027. wyeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  2028. wyeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  2029. wyegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  2030. wyemil      ;  military                                                                      
  2031. wyegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  2032. ;
  2033. ;Far west
  2034. ;
  2035. @
  2036. fwy         ;total personal income                                                           
  2037. fwynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  2038. fwyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  2039. fwepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  2040. fwcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  2041. fwradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  2042. fwenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  2043. fwdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  2044. fwtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  2045. fwsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  2046. fwtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  2047. fwws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  2048. fwoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  2049. fwppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  2050. fwppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  2051. fwppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  2052. fwef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  2053. fwen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  2054. fwenp       ; private                                                                        
  2055. fweasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  2056. fwemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  2057. fwecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  2058. fwemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  2059. fwendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  2060. fwedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  2061. fwetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  2062. fwewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  2063. fwert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  2064. fwefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  2065. fweserv     ;  services                                                                      
  2066. fweg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  2067. fwegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  2068. fwemil      ;  military                                                                      
  2069. fwegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  2070. ;
  2071. ;Alaska
  2072. ;
  2073. @
  2074. aky         ;total personal income                                                           
  2075. akynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  2076. akyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  2077. akepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  2078. akcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  2079. akradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  2080. akenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  2081. akdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  2082. aktpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  2083. aksuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  2084. aktrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  2085. akws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  2086. akoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  2087. akppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  2088. akppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  2089. akppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  2090. akef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  2091. aken        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  2092. akenp       ; private                                                                        
  2093. akeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  2094. akemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  2095. akecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  2096. akemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  2097. akendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  2098. akedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  2099. aketpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  2100. akewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  2101. akert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  2102. akefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  2103. akeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  2104. akeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  2105. akegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  2106. akemil      ;  military                                                                      
  2107. akegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  2108. ;
  2109. ;California
  2110. ;
  2111. @
  2112. cay         ;total personal income                                                           
  2113. caynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  2114. cayf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  2115. caepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  2116. cacsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  2117. caradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  2118. caenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  2119. cadir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  2120. catpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  2121. casuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  2122. catrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  2123. caws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  2124. caoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  2125. cappy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  2126. cappyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  2127. cappyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  2128. caef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  2129. caen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  2130. caenp       ; private                                                                        
  2131. caeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  2132. caemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  2133. caecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  2134. caemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  2135. caendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  2136. caedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  2137. caetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  2138. caewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  2139. caert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  2140. caefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  2141. caeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  2142. caeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  2143. caegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  2144. caemil      ;  military                                                                      
  2145. caegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  2146. ;
  2147. ;Hawaii
  2148. ;
  2149. @
  2150. hiy         ;total personal income                                                           
  2151. hiynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  2152. hiyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  2153. hiepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  2154. hicsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  2155. hiradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  2156. hienpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  2157. hidir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  2158. hitpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  2159. hisuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  2160. hitrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  2161. hiws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  2162. hioly       ;other labor income                                                              
  2163. hippy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  2164. hippyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  2165. hippyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  2166. hief        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  2167. hien        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  2168. hienp       ; private                                                                        
  2169. hieasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  2170. hiemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  2171. hiecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  2172. hiemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  2173. hiendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  2174. hiedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  2175. hietpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  2176. hiewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  2177. hiert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  2178. hiefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  2179. hieserv     ;  services                                                                      
  2180. hieg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  2181. hiegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  2182. hiemil      ;  military                                                                      
  2183. hiegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  2184. ;
  2185. ;Nevada
  2186. ;
  2187. @
  2188. nvy         ;total personal income                                                           
  2189. nvynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  2190. nvyf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  2191. nvepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  2192. nvcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  2193. nvradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  2194. nvenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  2195. nvdir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  2196. nvtpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  2197. nvsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  2198. nvtrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  2199. nvws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  2200. nvoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  2201. nvppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  2202. nvppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  2203. nvppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  2204. nvef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  2205. nven        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  2206. nvenp       ; private                                                                        
  2207. nveasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  2208. nvemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  2209. nvecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  2210. nvemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  2211. nvendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  2212. nvedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  2213. nvetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  2214. nvewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  2215. nvert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  2216. nvefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  2217. nveserv     ;  services                                                                      
  2218. nveg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  2219. nvegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  2220. nvemil      ;  military                                                                      
  2221. nvegsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  2222. ;
  2223. ;Oregon
  2224. ;
  2225. @
  2226. ory         ;total personal income                                                           
  2227. orynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  2228. oryf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  2229. orepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  2230. orcsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  2231. orradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  2232. orenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  2233. ordir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  2234. ortpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  2235. orsuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  2236. ortrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  2237. orws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  2238. oroly       ;other labor income                                                              
  2239. orppy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  2240. orppyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  2241. orppyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  2242. oref        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  2243. oren        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  2244. orenp       ; private                                                                        
  2245. oreasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  2246. oremin      ;  mining                                                                        
  2247. orecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  2248. oremfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  2249. orendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  2250. oredur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  2251. oretpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  2252. orewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  2253. orert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  2254. orefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  2255. oreserv     ;  services                                                                      
  2256. oreg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  2257. oregfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  2258. oremil      ;  military                                                                      
  2259. oregsl      ;  state and local                                                               
  2260. ;
  2261. ;Washington
  2262. ;
  2263. @
  2264. way         ;total personal income                                                           
  2265. waynf       ;nonfarm personal income                                                         
  2266. wayf        ;farm personal income                                                            
  2267. waepw       ;total earnings by place of work                                                 
  2268. wacsi       ;less:  pers. cont. for soc. ins. 2/                                             
  2269. waradj      ;plus:  adjustment for residence 3/                                              
  2270. waenpr      ;equals:  net earn. by place of res.                                             
  2271. wadir       ;plus:  dividends, int., and rent 4/                                             
  2272. watpay      ;plus:  transfer payments                                                        
  2273. wasuib      ;        state u.i. benefits                                                     
  2274. watrxui     ;        transfers excl. state u.i.                                              
  2275. waws        ;wages and salaries                                                              
  2276. waoly       ;other labor income                                                              
  2277. wappy       ;proprietors' income 5/                                                          
  2278. wappyf      ; farm proprietors' income                                                       
  2279. wappyn      ; nonfarm proprietors' income                                                    
  2280. waef        ;farm earnings                                                                   
  2281. waen        ;nonfarm earnings                                                                
  2282. waenp       ; private                                                                        
  2283. waeasff     ;  ag.serv., for., fish., & other 6/                                             
  2284. waemin      ;  mining                                                                        
  2285. waecst      ;  construction                                                                  
  2286. waemfg      ;  manufacturing                                                                 
  2287. waendr      ;   nondurable goods                                                             
  2288. waedur      ;   durable goods                                                                
  2289. waetpu      ;  trans. & public utilities                                                     
  2290. waewt       ;  wholesale trade                                                               
  2291. waert       ;  retail trade                                                                  
  2292. waefire     ;  finance, ins., & real estate                                                  
  2293. waeserv     ;  services                                                                      
  2294. waeg        ; government and gvt. enterprises                                                
  2295. waegfc      ;  federal civilian                                                              
  2296. waemil      ;  military                                                                      
  2297. waegsl      ;  state and local                                                               